Auto Burning Liquidity
TokenQuest automatically burns 0.1% of the tokens in the liquidity pair every 28 minutes.
This mechanism is designed to create a persistent upward trend in the tQUEST price by causing a consistent burn as long as the market conditions remain stable. Liquidity Burning system procedures are realized without any tax applications. Also, the system automatically suspends itself when the contractโs balance is less than 100 tQUEST tokens.
DISCLAIMER: TokenQuest team does not predict and does not guarantee that you will attain a particular result from the information provided in or through this Whitepaper, and you accept and understand that results differ for each individual. Each individualโs results depend on their asset management and market forces. There are no guarantees as to specific outcomes or results that you can expect from using the information you receive on or through this Whitepaper. This is an experimental feature and may be subjected to change and updates over time.
Last updated